Thursday, March 4, 2010


I have no idea WHY, but my list of bookmarks disappeared Monday. I looked high and low (computer-wise) for them, and so did my husband (a much more patient soul than I am with technical stuff).

I was bereft. I felt lost without my trusty sidebar of favorite sites, just waiting for me click on them every day and opening up my familiar stops in my online adventures. Sure, I could have thought about it and remembered url's and typed them into the address bar, but it's just not the SAME . . . .

I actually avoided my computer. It felt alien. Slightly unfriendly.

Today, o wonder of wonders, my sidebar returned!!!!! The list populated and once again I had instant access to my routine! I have been happily clicking and catching up with my cyber-friends ever since!!!!

We blame yahoo. And thank yahoo for restoring things.

All is well once again.

Am I too attached to internet? YES!!!! And proud of it!!!! =0)


Lefty Sloane said...

man when mama unhappy with her computer, everyone unhappy.

Been there and shivered remebering it!!!!

phinz said...

ain't it the truth!

metalmom said...

I have been very slow on the reading lately and now that I'm back in the habit, I realize how much I missed everyone!! I hate when my computer doesn't cooperate!

phinz said...


Lynda said...

An uncooperative computer totally sucks!

phinz said...

@Lynda--well said! =0)