Saturday, September 19, 2009

RIP Henry Gibson

I was saddened to see the obituary for him in the LA Times on Thursday. He was awesome on Laugh In and I liked him as the judge on Boston Legal, too.

This was in his biography about his days on Laugh In. I remember actually seeing this episode and the thought of it still makes me laugh:

Gibson was best known as the poet, holding a large flower and beginning his brief recitations with his signature catchphrase, "A poem, by Henry Gibson."
"He wrote all those himself," Jon Gibson (his son) said. It was a point of pride that he only read poems that he himself wrote."
During one of his frequent guest appearances on the show, John Wayne spoofed Gibson by coming around the wall holding a flower and delivering "A poem, by John Wayne."
"Roses are red, violets are green," Wayne said, "Get off your butt and join the Marines."
Can you imagine being spoofed by John Wayne?! How cool is that?!
I'll miss ya, Henry.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I love my Mom & Dad

That's all.
Just wanted to say that.
I am the luckiest person in the world, and I come from the 2 best people in the world.
Alice & Frank.
Or, as they are known on some mailing lists, Slice & Flank--which is really funny considering they both are golfers.
I love you.
Love, Susie

Friday, September 4, 2009

Julie & Julia

I loved this movie.
The books were awesome--and the movie does a good job. I laughed, I cried . . . well, who could possibly refute the talents of Meryl Streep?! And I have to say, Amy Adams has certainly impressed me lately. I've seen her in "Doubt"--also with Meryl Streep--and "Sunshine Cleaning." I like this girl! She makes all her characters believable, no matter what situation they're in. Yeah, that's a simplistic description of acting, but that's pretty much it in a nutshell.
I can't wait for this to come out on DVD--it absolutely gets a space in my collection.
Have you seen it? What's your opinion?

The Fruits of My Labor (Part II)

The plants we put in a regular pot did REALLY well! Look at this little guy--isn't he cute?!
Here's a good way to eat tomatoes: cut them into bite-size wedges and add to a sliced avocado in a shallow dish. Sprinkle on some garlic powder, and pour balsamic vinegar over it all. Let it soak for a while, basting occasionally, then enjoy! And the seasoned vinegar is GREAT to dip bread into!

The Fruits of My Labor (Part I)

Yes! We have tomatoes!
The Topsy-Turvy ones didn't do very well. I don't think they liked being watered upside down because the excess drained on the plants. We got a few from there. We're thinking of maybe planting a flower in there next year.