Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hmmmmm . . .

I read blogs by friends and loved ones and see how much music is an influence or a commentary on their lives. And I wonder when that stopped being true of me and my life.

And then I realized, the music pretty much went out of my life when I got married, and got consumed by my husband's life and family and concerns, and I lost myself along the way. I thought that was part of (finally) growing up and caring about things other than myself. And I worked SO HARD to be worthy of that new family.

Never questioning if they were worthy of me, just accepting that I had to live up to them.

Well, that was my mistake.

Time to cue up some Buffett and be me again. Feels good.


Jack Petersen said...

Go get 'em, Tigger.

phinz said...

@Jack--thanks. I've been working my way to this point for a while, and it's certainly not that I'm better than anyone; it's that I'm just as good and deserve to be treated as such.

Lefty Sloane said...

well get your parrot head on a start singing a new tune. SOmething crazy is shaking the universe and everyone I know is feeling the ripple effect. Glad to know God is a priority in your life, cuz. I wouldn't have made it this far without him; praying it all gets better. Sooner rather than later.

phinz said...

Thanks, cuz!

And . . .

FINS UP! =0)