Sunday, September 18, 2011


Grenada Wildlife

My cell phone won't work there and I have no idea what the chances are I'll be able to hop online (since we don't have the latest gadgetry and I'm not sure if the hotel will have a public computer).

So even though I won't be facebooking or emailing or even texting until at least the 28th, please know I am thinking of you and wondering how you're doing (in between beaching, snorkeling, sight-seeing, touring that rum factory and hopefully not dodging any hurricanes ('tis the season, you know) . . . Oh! And I hope we see the monkeys again!

Stay safe!


Lefty Sloane said...

will be praying for your safety, loads of fun and great photo ops. Have great fun and remember to share you adventures with your adoring public!

phinz said...

@Julie--your prayers were answered and thank you!!! We had a blast and I will be posting on here as soon as I catch up on laundry (which I estimate to be sometime in early 2012 . . . )