Monday, March 2, 2009


Why is it that insurance companies persist in being such total dictators?

We moved our business. The building we were in was about 7 miles away, in an industrial area that experienced some crime (e.g. gas stolen from delivery trucks, OUR truck was stolen and later found abandoned behind another building down the street--of course it was a total loss) and we did NOT have any electronic alarms on the premises.

Now our business is at home, in a quiet residential neighborhood that hasn't had any crime in the 6 years I've been here, our neighbor to the north is a CHURCH, and we have an electronic alarm system AND motion detector activated lighting all around the perimeter.

WHY, then, does the insurance company want to TRIPLE our rate for business insurance?! They SAY it's because we moved to "a different area." It's not like we moved to WATTS, for Pete's sake! And since everything is IN the house or garage, homeowner's would cover anything lost, damaged, or stolen.

I say this is yet ANOTHER example of the small businessman getting royally SCREWED by the SAME companies that allow people to rebuild their houses next to rivers that flood every year, and allow yet MORE tin can trailers to be parked in the paths of hurricanes.



Blondefabulous said...

I have often wondered why insurance companies are so crappy.... Yes they do allow us Floridians to live in our tincans... but trust me, we pay for that now too! Hell, the governor ran one company out of Florida because they wanted to raise rates and he wouldn't let them.

phinz said...

@Blonde--I wish Arnold had YOUR governer's balls!

Lefty Sloane said...

Theyre crappy because they hold all the cards. They don't want to pay out, they just want to collect.
Who wouldn't?
Threaten to take your business elsewhere, its the only card you have. They all disgust me.

phinz said...

Already made that threat. The thing is, all the other companies want to charge the same or more. It's like price-fixing.