Thursday, January 1, 2009

I stopped by Blondefabulocity on my way here and liked the discription of her first day of 2009--so, I'm stealing her idea and this was MY day:

Didn't start Resolution #1 (walk around the block--1.3 miles--every morning)because hubs & I slept in. Oh well, I'll start tomorrow--because of Res #2: don't beat myself up if I don't walk EVERY day. If I don't love me, who will?!
Did the morning run to Starbuck's alone since hubs was working on a house project and wanted to jump right in (because of oversleeping). Got the latte and the drip w/ice, exchanged HNY's with other regulars and of course the wonderful people who make the coffee, came home, and got this blog set up. THAT took me into early afternoon ( I SAID I was new at this!).
Got most of Christmas put away and let hubs finish that because GOD FORBID anything happens to the artificial prelit tree while I'm packing it away. Let HIM do it.
Went to stepdaughter's & her husband's house for dinner and to play Seinfeld Scene-It, which they got us for Christmas. GREAT game, has anyone played it? R (stepd) won the first game and much to my surprise I won the second. J (stepd's hubs) made fantastic turkey soup and home made pot stickers--this guy can COOK! So can R, but this was J's night in the kitchen. Their wonderdog, Zoe, lavished us with her attention throughout the evening, which all you doglovers KNOW is aces!

Does anybody have anything they want to change this year? Not necessarily resolutions, but things you think will make your life and the lives around you better? I figure that by living a healthier life, I'll feel better and be a nicer person to be around (and maybe fit into some clothes that are too tight these days). Nothing too drastic--just common sense things like eating better and less, and exercising more. Something I can make a HABIT--like flossing. I was awful about flossing before--until the hygenist did a "deep clean"--now I floss EVERY NIGHT--if you've ever had a "deep clean" you know what I mean.

I have other goals & plans too but that's enough for one post--I don't want to chase you off with too much yada yada yada!


Blondefabulous said...

I'm glad I could inspire!!! Your day sounded great!

phinz said...

Blonde--thanks! Yours did too--especially about doing the cake. You rock!

Lefty Sloane said...

Things I must do this year?
Treat myself like I count. That means doing the elliptical and weights and eating right. I deserve to watch less re-run tv, not be the garbage can, (I'm full, store or throw the rest out)Someone needs me?The phone the door bell? Come back after I finish my last set of 50# reps.
They'll be less likely to disagree when you can pop dimes off your rock hard guns!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to blog world! Glad to have you.
I like that you aren't going to beat your self up if you dont walk. Although I do say, I love your resolution, I miss walking.