Sunday, January 18, 2009

Timely Words

"None of us knows what
the next change is going to be,
what unexpected opportunity
is just around the corner, waiting
to change all the tenor of our lives."

Kathleen Norris

I can think of different contexts for this--my personal life, my professional life, the coming inauguration that will certainly affect us all.

I didn't vote for Obama, but I hope and pray he is what this country and this world needs to bring us back from this downslide.

There's also the theory/belief that he's the anti-christ, as read about in the Bible. Very scary in itself.

Whichever way it goes, it's in God's hands. I'm keeping the faith.


Blondefabulous said...

I don't know about being the anti Christ.... but he has to be better than what we have been dealing with for the last 4 years. I say four because the first four weren't all that bad. Dubya just went a little nuts after that.

Here's to change. Like my HS history teacher used to say, "The voting public should get what they vote for and get it good!"

We'll see....

Lefty Sloane said...

Ditto that. I am hoping it will change the attitudes of all those who have felt oppressed until now. I hope they can see that they are free indeed. I hope they aspire to their true callings.

Lefty Sloane said...

I'll ditto that. I hope they can finally feel Free at last!

phinz said...

@ Blondefab--I have to agree, change is probably GOOD at this point! I think the Dems could have nominated Bart Simpson and still won, after the beating Bush & the Republicans put us through.

@Julie--if this doesn't bring it home to those who still feel oppressed in this country, nothing will!